Development charities blamed corporate tax avoidance for poverty in developing countries. 发展慈善机构则将发展中国家的贫困归咎于企业避税。
Now the government could tax workers directly through higher income tax or indirectly through higher corporate tax. 现在政府可以通过更高的所得税直接向工人征税,或者是通过更高的企业税间接征税。
While the political debate has centred on Wall Street and Main Street or government infrastructure initiatives, I believe expensing capital and lowering corporate tax rates would quickly stimulate additional economic activity. 尽管政治上的争论集中在华尔街和商业街、或政府基础设施投资方案上,但我相信,资本支出费用化和降低企业所得税税率的做法,将迅速刺激额外的经济活动。
These changes might include such diverse activities as the reform of land tenure, corporate tax, credit, and banking structures. 这些变革可以包括土地使用权、公司税法、信贷和银行体制的改革。
That calls for a basic social security system, to reduce precautionary household savings, and better corporate tax and dividend policies. 这需要建立一个基本的社保体系,以降低未雨绸缪式的家庭储蓄,同时优化企业税收和红利政策。
S.and elsewhere, but corporate tax cuts, followed by individual tax reductions, reversed the pattern of out-migration. 但是,随着企业税收的削减,紧跟着是个人税收的减少,完全改变了这种人口迁出的模式。
Our current corporate tax system is outdated, unfair and inefficient. 我们现行的企业税制度是过时、不公平和低效率的。
The effect of the corporate tax system on physical investment depends on ( 1) its effect on the user cost of capital, and ( 2) the sensitivity of investment to changes in the users cost. 公司税制对物质投资的影响取决于:(1)它对资本使用者的影响,(2)投资对使用者成本的敏感性。
The Corporate Tax Department, and the Systems and Data Processing Department. 公司税务处和系统数据处理处。
He would reduce the corporate tax rate without scrapping loopholes. 他提出降低企业税率,而对税法漏洞置之不理。
Both the US and UK have had a profound shift of income distribution from the poor and the middle-class to the rich in the past 30 years, yet the fiscal adjustments are dominated by sharp cuts on public services combined with reductions on corporate tax rates. 在过去30年里,美英都经历了从贫困人群和中产阶级向富裕阶层的大规模收入分配转移,而财政调整却以大举削减公共服务和降低企业税为主。
A working group has been busy making proposals for a common corporate tax base. 一个工作小组一直忙着提议建立统一的企业税税基。
These three theoretical schools have different views on whether dividend tax should be cancelled or integrated with corporate tax. 这三种理论观点对现实税收政策是否废止股息税或者将公司所得税与股息税合二为一各有主张。
One possible corporate tax reform is full integration of the corporate and personal income taxes. 一种可能的公司税重组是公司和个人所得税的完全重组。
He is also contemplating a cut in corporate tax. 他还在考虑削减公司税。
Transparency will also help curb the more aggressive forms of corporate tax avoidance. 提高透明度也有助于减少更放肆的企业避税行为。
Big oil firms would indeed benefit from a lower corporate tax rate. 大型石油企业的确会受益于较低的公司税率。
The main draw has been a low10% corporate tax rate. 最具吸引力的就是10%的低水平的公司税率。
To this end, a dramatic reduction in the corporate tax on retained earnings is planned. 为此,计划大幅度降低公司税收以保留盈利。
France and Germany have already indicated a wish for the eurozone to encroach on areas hitherto reserved for all 27. These include labour market regulation and a common corporate tax base. 法国和德国已经表达了意愿,希望欧元区染指迄今由欧盟所有27个成员国决定的领域,包括劳动力市场监管和统一的企业税税基。
The rise of multinational corporations and lack of a global taxation regime has given rise to a race to the bottom in corporate tax rates, another contribution to growing income inequality. 跨国企业的兴起和全球税收体制的匮乏,造成企业税率的竞次,这是造成收入不平等状况日益恶化的另一个因素。
Tax planning can not only strengthen the sense of corporate tax and the legal system, but also lower tax expenditure and improve corporate profits. 纳税筹划不仅可以强化企业的纳税意识和法制观念,还可以降低纳税支出,提高企业利润。
Cancelling the corporate tax they pay on their investments in securities will boost returns for them and for investors. 对它们的证券投资收入免征企业所得税,将提高它们及投资者的投资回报。
There are some mitigating positive effects, such as lower corporate tax bills. 一些积极因素会减轻压力,例如公司所得税下降。
Later on, it was revised on the consideration of corporate tax and personal income tax. 后来,又在考虑了公司税和个人所得税的基础上进行了修正。
Second, overhaul the corporate tax code to change the provisions that discourage some US companies from expanding domestically. 其次,重修企业税制,修改那些导致一些美国企业不愿在国内扩张业务的条款。
Should we close corporate tax loopholes to raise more revenue? 我们应该堵塞企业税收漏洞以提高财政收入吗?